The Most Worshipful Prince Hall GRAND CABINET of NEW JERSEY
Deputy Grand Master
R.W. Jimmy Barnes (15)

Graduate of Trenton Central High School Class of 1979. Attended Virginia State University Petersburg Va. Graduate of the Mercer County Vocational Technical School, Licensed Practical Nurse Graduated from the University of Phoenix, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration. Married to the Lovely Lacretia R. Barnes
A Past Master of King David Lodge No. 15 in Trenton, N.J. Past Senior Grand Stewart, Past Junior Grand Deacon, Past District Grand Lecturer of the 5th Masonic District, Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 5th Masonic District, Past Assistant District Deputy Grand Master at Large for the North, Past Grand Lecturer of the M.W.P.H.G.L., State of New Jersey (2017-2019). Currently President of the Past Masters Council of King David Lodge No. 15 in Trenton, N.J.
A member of Zipporah Chapter No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star, PHA. The Trenton Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons, and KHUFU Temple No. 120 of the A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Past Illustrious Commander In Chief of Ophir Consistory No. 48, setting in the Valley of Trenton.
Grand Inspector General 33, of the David L. Holliman Class of 2018 Denver Colorado, of the United Supreme Council A.A.S.R. PHA, Northern Jurisdiction.
Retired Deputy Warden for the NJ Department of Corrections (2016) after 30 years of civil service.
A member of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Trenton N. J.
It is my goal to continue to strengthen and sustain this great organization which is built upon the Land Marks and Traditions of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, State of New Jersey.
It is indeed an Honor to serve this Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. State of New Jersey.
Fraternally and Respectfully,
PM Jimmy Barnes,
King David Lodge No. 15
Senior Grand Warden
R.W. Adrian Desroe (29)

RW Adrian C. Desroe, Junior Grand Warden was raised in Tyre Lodge No. 29 in 2011. RW Desroe has served as Master and is currently serving as the Lodge Secretary. RW Desroe is a two-time Past Patron of Prince Tyre No. 52 Chapter, O.E.S. – P.H.A. RW Desroe was elevated to a Grand Inspector General in the Basil Sands Class of 2019 where he is also life member of the United Supreme Council of A.A.S.R. – P.H.A. RW Desroe has served in the following position in the York Rite:
Three-time Excellent High Priest of Pilgrim Chapter No. 10 H.R.A.M.
Two-time Most Worthy Joshua of Deborah Court No. 9, Heroines of Jericho.
Currently serving as Deputy Master of Haggai Court No 1, Royal and Select Masters.
Three-time past Royal Chief Advisor and current Secretary of Joppa Court No. 4, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection - P.H.A. He is also the outgoing Grand Royal Chief Advisor of Bernal V. Ford Grand Court L.O.C.O.P. – State of NJ – P.H.A.
Currently serving as the Captain General of the St. Paul’s Commandery No. 7, Knights Templar- P.H.A.
Three-time Past Royal Chief Engineer of Rose of Sharon Court No. 4, Order of Cyrenes – P.H.A.
RW Desroe is a Honorary Past Potentate of Golconda Temple No. 25. He is also a Past Basileus of the Upsilon Phi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and a life member.
RW Desroe was born to the late Billy and Nancy Desroe in Jersey City, NJ. RW Desroe is a graduate of Essex Catholic High School and has a Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. RW Desroe currently lives in Irvington and is currently employed as Lead Outside Plant Engineer in Verizon.
RW Desroe enjoys DJing, reading, music, Broadway plays, anime and electronics in his spare time.
Junior Grand Warden
R.W. Anthony Hale (30)

R.W. Anthony Douglas Hale was born on May 14th 1966 in East Orange NJ the 5th of the 7 children and the 4th Son of George and Yvonne Hale. R.W. Hale was reared and educated in the City of East Orange NJ and spent his youth immersed in youth activities such as Pop Warner Football, Track, and Basketball as well as The Boy Scouts of America…. and graduated from East Orange High School in 1984.
After Graduation R.W. Hale enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and was Trained as a Missile System Technician and was cross trained in multiple Military Occupational Specialties R.W. Hale Served his Hometown of East Orange N.J. for 30 years in the Fire Division, Retiring with the rank of Fire Captain in 2019. R.W. Hale is Married to Sister Beverly M. Hale, Past Matron of Princess Leah Chapter #23 for 37 years, and have 2 adult Daughters Brittany and Tiffany Hale… R.W. Hale was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 22nd 2008 as a member of Woodlin Lodge #30. Where he was elected to the position of Worshipful Master in 2012 and was awarded Worshipful Master of the Year for the North under the Administration of M.W. Robert L. Oglesby Sr.
R.W. Hale has served not only his Ancient Craft Lodge but has not ceased from laboring in the vineyards of our Jurisdiction and is currently serving the M.W.P.H.G.L. of N.J. as Junior Grand Warden. R.W. Hale has also served as the District Deputy Grand Master at Large for the North, District Deputy Grand Master of the Fabulous 5th Masonic District, Illustrious Potentate of Khufu Temple No. 120 A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Inc., Imperial Organizer for the Desert of New Jersey, and is a Past Commander-in-Chief of Ophir Consistory No. 48 A.A.S.R. and served as Thrice Illustrious Master of Zerubbabel Council No. 3 as well as Worthy Patron of Princess Leah Chapter No. 23, and Grand District Lecturer of the 5th O.E.S. District
R.W. Hale is a member of Shiloh Baptist Church of Bordentown New Jersey, and in his leisure time, enjoys spending time with an informative book and Family as well as his dogs Lexi and Bentley.
Grand Treasurer

R.W. Ricardo Mcneil
Grand Secretary